Fuelling, Fluids & Comfort – Jubilee River Swim!
Caveat: We are all different but here is some guidance based on our experience of running the event for 10 years and what works for us…
Note: At registration you have the option to drop off your own Fuel / Nutrition bags and these will be taken to the feed station of your choice.
There are THREE feed stations along the course, you will need separate bags for each station you require food.
Seal the bag and label it with your name and the feed station number you would like it delivered to.
Have a substantial meal the evening before the race followed by a good breakfast, not forgetting to include fluids – do not arrive at the start line feeling hungry.
Think about food that is easy on your tummy and easy to digest.
Remember, the longer you are in the water the harder you might find it to eat so maybe choose something lighter and easier to manage for feedstations 2 / 3.
High energy gels and bars are good but so are natural foods like banana. Jelly babies also seem to be a favourite.
After a couple of hours you might fancy something savoury / salty or just something to freshen your mouth such as a piece of orange.
Find out what works for you BEFORE race day.
Whatever works best for you!
Energy drinks are good but can be overly sweet.
Select drinks that are easy on your tummy.
Maybe think about a warm drink at some point?
Water will be provided at each of the feedstations.
Wetsuit lube – if you use it in training, use it in the race and consider adding it to one of your feedstation bags.
Some swimmers use a buff / neck sleeve to stop chaffing.
Consider the water temperature [typically 15.5 – 16.5 degrees] – do you need to add an extra layer under your wetsuit?
Gloves and Booties are allowed.
Medication can be added to your feedstation bags.
Toilets will be provided at registration and the start area but let’s be honest, everybody pees in their wetsuit!